About BTB

The German Ready-Mixed Concrete Association (Bundesverband der Deutschen Transportbetonindustrie - BTB) was founded in 1966 and represents the mutual interest of the ready-mixed concrete producers and the concrete pumping industry. Today, the German Ready-Mixed Concrete Association represents a total production volume of 54.15 million m³ ready-mixed concrete with a corresponding sales volume of € 4.52 billion (2021).

The association’s objectives are to ensure and expand the market position of the building material ready-mixed concrete, to emphasize and assert the shared interest of the ready-mixed concrete producers, to avert unjustified claims, and to foster the image of the ready-mixed concrete industry. The BTB considers itself as a link among the ready-mixed concrete industry on the one side and politics, economy, and the public on the other.

Four issues are central for the association’s engagement:

1.    Economic policy
2.    Concrete technology and environment
3.    Marketing
4.    Education (Apprenticeship)

This website provides you with German-language information about the BTB, its member associations, and the joint work for the companies which are organized in the association. For further information about the building material ready-mixed concrete and its industry in English language please contact our office or refer to the website of the European Ready-Mixed Concrete Organization ERMCO.


Bundesverband der Deutschen
Transportbetonindustrie e.V. (BTB)

Kochstraße 6-7
10969 Berlin
Telefon: 030-2 59 22 92-0
Telefax: 030-2 59 22 92-39
E-Mail: infono spam@transportbeton.org


TB-iNFO 98

Das Transportbeton-Magazin

€ 6,00


TB-iNFO 97

Das Transportbeton-Magazin

€ 6,00


TB-iNFO 96

Das Transportbeton-Magazin

€ 6,00


BTB-Jahresbericht 2024

Zukunft besser bauen.

€ 25,00


TB-iNFO 95

Das Transportbeton-Magazin

€ 6,00


TB-iNFO 94

Das Transportbeton-Magazin

€ 6,00


Broschüre Baustoffprüfer (m/w/d)

Ein abwechslungsreicher Beruf mit Verantwortung

€ 0,00


Pumpen von Beton

Ein BTB-Leitfaden

€ 0,50


50er Pack Sicherer Umgang mit Transportbeton

Hinweise zur Verarbeitung

€ 40,00


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